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  • [콜로퀴엄/융합세미나] 2015년11월19일.황찬용박사(표준과학연구원 책임연구원)…

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[2015년 2학기 물리학과 콜로퀴엄 & 양자-나노 융합전공 융합세미나]

연사: 황찬용박사(표준과학연구원 책임연구원)

제목: Graphene : from the growth to the nano device application


Use of graphene in solid state device is expected ever since the discovery of graphene. Two of the major hurdles for its use in solid state device are the dielectric material for electrical isolation or gating and wafer-scale single crystalline material. Due to the trapped charges between the graphene and SiO2, which is the most common dielectric used in Si-based device, other dielectric material is needed for maintaining the characteristics of graphene. Recently there has been lots of reports on the use of h-BN as a substrate for the graphene layers. However, the details of the h-BN growth is not clearly known so far. The growth of graphene has been reported by many groups and the details of the growth mechanism is relatively well understood. However, it is not easy to avoid the poly crystallization of graphene since it is impossible to avoid the multiple formation of nucleation center at the initial growth.
In this talk, we will cover three main topics for the device application of graphene. The first one is the growth problem of graphene and its heterostructures for real device application. Also interesting growth characteristics of h-BN will be presented. Second topic will be the several unique characteristics of graphene including the graphene nano ribbon. Nano-scale graphene ribbon shows interesting phase transition vs. its width. And its mechanical properties are quite different from that of bulk-scale materials. Third topic is its use in nano device. Many examples of nano-graphene device including graphene tunneling device will be presented.

일시: 11월 19일 목요일 오후 4시 30분

장소: 베어드홀 103호

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