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  • [콜로퀴엄] 2014년 5월 22일 조 성 운 교수 <숭실대 물리학과 졸업생 &…

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Study of quantum electrodynamics on a chip

Superconducting devices based on Josephson junction can be defined as an artificial atom or
quantum-bit (qubit). Its high sensitivity to external parameter and adjustability of the energy
level offer a playground for quantum optics experiments on a chip.
In this talk, we introduce an integrated circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) system
consisting of a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator and Transmon Qubit and its
measurement technique which can be transplanted to other solid systems. Further, we discuss
Autler-Townes(AT) splitting and quantum interference in a defined three-level system of the
qubit under two coupling fields corresponding to respective level transition. We observe the
relative strength of the two fields determine the level coupling types with the mid-level, but
generic shape of the AT splitting as a function of the coupling field strength depend on the decay
rate ratio of each level. Theoretically analyzing the density matrix elements in the weak field
limit where AT effect is suppressed, we single out events of pure two-photon coherence
occurring owing to constructive quantum interference.

* 일시 : 2014년 5월 22일 목요일 오후 4시 30분

* 장소 : 베어드홀 103호

* 연사 : 조 성 운 교수 (숭실대 물리학과 졸업생 & 서울대학교 BK21 프런티어물리인력양성사업단)

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