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제목 - 설명
  • [4월 3일] 물리학과 세미나: 이현용 교수(고려대)

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

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4월 3일 진행되는 물리학과 세미나 안내입니다.


일시: 2025.04.03.(목) 16:30-17:30


장소: 조만식기념관 311호


연사: 이현용 교수(고려대학교 반도체물리학부)


제목: Concepts of Tensor Network and its application to Exotic Quantum Many-body States


초록: In this seminar, I will begin by introducing the inherent complexities of quantum many-body systems. I will provide an intuitive explanation of tensor networks, highlighting their importance in simplifying these complex systems. The concept of quantum entanglement will be introduced as a key idea, followed by examples of quantum states that can be efficiently represented using tensor networks. Lastly, I will offer a brief introduction to topological order, illustrating how tensor networks provide a framework for understanding such exotic phases of matter.


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