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  • [3월 13일] 물리학과 세미나: 오태구 교수(숭실대)

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

안녕하세요, 물리학과입니다.

3월 13일 진행되는 2025-1학기 물리학과 세미나 안내입니다.


[2025년 1학기 물리학과 세미나]


  • 일시: 3월 13일 목요일 오후 4시 30분


  • 장소: 조만식기념관 311호


  • 연사: 오태구 교수(숭실대/물리학과)


  • 제목: Phonon Thermal Hall Effect in Mott Insulators via Skew Scattering by the Scalar Spin Chirality


  • 초록: Thermal transport is a crucial probe for studying excitations in insulators. In Mott insulators, the primary candidates for heat carriers are spins and phonons; which of these candidates dominates the thermal conductivity is a persistent issue. Typically, phonons dominate the longitudinal thermal conductivity while the thermal Hall effect (THE) is primarily associated with spins, requiring time-reversal symmetry breaking. The coupling between phonons and spins usually depends on spin-orbit interactions and is relatively weak. Here, we propose a new mechanism for this coupling and the associated THE: the skew scattering of phonons via spin fluctuations by the scalar spin chirality. This coupling does not require spin-orbit interactions and is ubiquitous in Mott insulators, leading to a thermal Hall angle on the order of 10−3 to 10−2. Based on this mechanism, we investigate the THE in YMnO3 with a trimerized triangular lattice where the THE beyond spins was recognized, and we predict the THE in the kagome and square lattices.



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