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제목 - 설명
  • [콜로퀴엄] 2016년 9월 8일 이동렬 교수(숭실대 물리학과) 강연

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연사: 이동렬 교수(숭실대 물리학과)

제목: Synchrotron x-ray scattering studies for spintronics and organic electronics

Abstract: Synchrotron x-ray scattering studies of magnetic and crystalline properties of thin-film devices for spintronics and organic electronics applications are presented. These structural properties of thin films that are basic elements in electronic devices are critical for device performance. Grazing incidence x-ray diffraction and x-ray resonant magnetic scattering techniques are widely used to characterize crystalline properties of organic semiconductors and nanoscale magnetic distributions of magnetic thin films, respectively. Synchrotron radiation facilities at Pohang and at Argonne in US are briefly introduced.

일시: 2016. 9. 8 (목) 오후 4시30분
장소: 베어드홀 103호

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