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  • 4월 8일 윤 화 식 박사 (PAL, POSTECH) Zernike Phase…

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Zernike Phase Contrast Hard X-ray Microscopy

Abstract: Electron microscopes have been very successful in bio-sciences as well as in material sciences with the spatial resolutions down to nanometers. However they can only show either the surface (SEM) or the very thin films (TEM). Furthermore it would be difficult to look at the wet bio-samples as they are.
On the other hand x-rays can penetrate samples, so x-ray microscopes can reveal the internal structures close to the natural state. Recently it became possible to image with sub-micron spatial resolution thanks to the development in x-ray optics. In the soft x-ray range of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is possible to image up to 10 micron thick bio-sample with the spatial resolution of 25 nm.[1] However there is a tendency to use harder x-rays to see thicker samples.
We have developed a hard x-ray microscope with a spatial resolution of 50 nm[2] at Pohang Light Source at Pohang. I am going to introduce this microscope as well as new trends x-ray imaging.

* 일시 : 4월 8일 목요일 오후 4시 30분

* 장소 : 베어드홀 320호

* 연사 : 윤 화 식 박사 (PAL, POSTECH)

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