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  • 4월 1일 김 미 영 교수 (서울대 재료공학부) Introduction to…

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Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy in Physics

Abstract: Transmission electron microscopy with analytical facilities represents high-resolution experimental method available for the study of the geometry of atom arrangements and the distribution of chemical species in solids. Many research literatures discussing structure-property relation in solids at or near the atomic level are written from the electron microscopy viewpoint, and an increasing amount of research of this type is being carried out in nano materials. In this presentation, the basic concepts of electron diffraction, various imaging techniques, and electron spectroscopy will be introduced. It will be also shown that the combination of atomic-resolution image, electron energy loss spectroscopy, and first-principles theory represents a powerful set of tools to link the atomic and electronic structure of interfaces and nanostructures to macroscopic properties.

* 일시 : 4월 1일 목요일 오후 4시 30분

* 장소 : 베어드홀 320호

* 연사 : 김 미 영 교수 (서울대 재료공학부)

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