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  • 김창배교수님 논문 새물리에 하이라이트 논문 선정

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김창배교수님 논문이 물리학회지 “새물리” 에 Hilight 논문으로 선정되어 새물리 저널 표지에 등장하였습니다.
김창배 교수님을 비롯한 물리학과 교수님들의 노력에 감사합니다.
[하이라이트 논문 1]  http://dx.doi.org/10.3938/NPSM.70.871
제목: Interactive Simulation of the Motions of a Linear Mass-Spring Chain with VPython (New Physics: Sae Mulli Vol.70 No.10 pp.871-879)
저자: Chang-Bae Kim*, Dong Ryeol Lee, Hee-Sang Kim, Jin-Seok Chung, Myung Ki Cheoun, Yunsang Lee, Jin-Min Kim, Taehoon Lee, Hangmo Yi, Se Young Park, Nammee Kim, Doris Yangsoo Kim, Hyunhee Choi
소속: Physics Department and Research Institute for Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, Soongsil University, Seoul 06978, Korea
초록: A computer program written in the VPython language on the Glow Script platform is developed with a view to aiding the study of vibrations and the waves. It simulates the forced motions of coupled oscillators of arbitrarily large number. Understanding the harmonic oscillations of physical systems underlies the core curriculum of college physics. It normally starts with the simple harmonic oscillation of a single oscillator and, afterwards, adds damping and external harmonic forcing. More than one coupled oscillators are, then, introduced and they give ways for understanding waves in continuous media as the number of oscillators becomes large. The reported product visualizes the motions of coupled oscillators and enhance the comprehension of such concepts as the normal modes of vibration and stationary waves.
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