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  • 10월 13일 조 용 석 교수(Ball State University)Emergence…

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Emergence of Molecular Electronics: Charge Transport in DNA

First, I will introduce Ball State University briefly and discuss the establishment of the Center for Computational Nanoscience (CCN) at Ball State, supported by the Indiana 21st Century Research and Technology Fund. Main goals and collaborative-networking nanoscience research in the CCN will be described.
Second, I will explain my current research which is electron transport in DNA molecules. The process of charge transport through DNA is an important research topic in many scientific areas from biochemistry to nanotechnology. Research into the physical properties of DNA, such as the mechanism of electron transport, is essential for understanding the biological functions of DNA and developing DNA-based technologies. Hence, I will emphasize on the quantum mechanical electron transport along the long axis of the DNA double-helix molecule in order to further understand the mechanism and the factors which influence DNA charge transport, and to gain insight into its applications in medical and bio-nanoelectronic fields. Using a tight-binding model Hamiltonian approach, the effects of base-pair sequencing, DNA-electrode coupling effects, temperature effects, and transport sensitivity to an environmental magnetic field will be presented.

* 일시 : 2011년 10월 13일 목요일 오후 4시 30분

* 장소 : 베어드홀 103호

* 연사 : 조 용 석 교수(Ball State University)

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