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제목 - 설명
  • [10월 19일] 양자나노융합 콜로퀴엄 (취창업 특강)

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*일시: 2017년 10월 19일 (목) 오후 4시반

*장소: 베어드홀 103호

*연사: 김은파 박사 (삼성 종기연/ 숭실대 동문)

*제목: Laser-assisted Selective Functionalization of Two Dimensional Semiconducting Nanomaterials

*초록: Low-dimensional semiconductor nanomaterials, especially two dimensional nanomaterials have attracted much attention due to their intriguing physical and chemical properties as well as promising prospects for a variety of applications such as electronic and optoelectronic devices, batteries, and sensors for chemical and biological molecules. Recently, intense research has been carried out all over the world on two dimensional semiconducting nanomaterials. However, many important issues still remain unrevealed and unexplored concerning the direct localized modulation of functionalities by means of 1) laser-assisted substitutional phosphorus doping and 2) the photo-reduced Ag nanoparticles on transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) for p-type doping by the charge transfer process. In order to realize these, development of new methods and tools is needed that would enable precise layout and processing of the nanoscale components into functional building blocks.

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