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  • [12월 20일] 6th OMEG Workshop: 연구성과발표회

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6th OMEG Workshop: 연구성과발표회를 안내합니다.
제목: 6th OMEG Workshop: 연구성과발표회

Date: DEC 20th, (wed) 2023 11:00-18:30

Place: Soongsil University Dasomhall (전산관)

Time Speaker Title
10:40-11:00 Registration, discussions, chats
1 11:00-11:05 Myung-Ki Cheoun Opening
2 11:05-11:30 Ju-bin Park AI-Enhanced R-Matrix Approaches in Scattering Analysis
3 11:30-11:55 Chae-min Yun Constraints on the cosmological bulk viscosity in the interested epochs
4 11:55-12:20 Jeong-Yeon Lee Consistent analyses of nuclear structures and reactions using the Gamow Shell Model
5 12:20-12:45 Dukjae Jang Annual Progress Report 2023
12:45-13:30 Taking a photo & Lunch Break : 숭실도담식당
6 13:30-13:55 kiwan Park 자기장과 플라즈마 방정식의 특성 및 응용
7 13:55-14:20 SangHo Kim Exclusive electroproduction of vector mesons
8 14:20-14:45 Tsuyoshi Miyatsu Nuclear equation of state in relativistic mean-field models with isoscalar- and isovector-meson mixing
9 14:45-15:10 Jae Hwan Lee Introduction of absorbing phase transition
15:10-15:20 Coffee Break
10 15:20-15:45 Yusuke Tanimura Effect of center-of-mass correction on nuclear charge radius
11 15:45-16:10 Jiwon Park Constraining the anisotropy of the universe during the radiation-dominated epoch
12 16:10-16:35 Gilberto Ramalho Electric and Magnetic form factors of Hyperons at large timelike q2
13 16:35-17:00 Sehoon Oh First-principles study of one-dimensional materials
17:00-17:10 Taking a photo & Coffee Break
14 17:10-17:35 EunJung Ko Effects of structures and elements on shift currents in quasi-one-dimensional bulk ferroelectrics MOX4 (M = Mo, W, and X = Cl, Br)
15 17:35-18:00 P. Karuna Kumari First-principles investigation of electronic, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties, and spin-defect states in quasi-one-dimensional materials
16 18:00-18:25 Se Young Park Electronic control of magnetism in Fe3-xGeTe2/In2Se3 van der Waals ferromagnetic/ferroelectric heterostructures

Link: https://indico.omeg.soongsil.ac.kr/event/41/

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