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  • [5월18일] 기초과학융합연구소 월례 세미나 : 이재웅 교수 – 아주대학교

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2023학년도 1학기 기초과학융합연구소 월례세미나를 안내해 드립니다.


•연사: 이재웅 교수(아주대학교 물리학과)


•제목: Toward Atomically Thin Materials for Quantum Information Science


•초록:Quantum information science is an effort to utilize principles of quantum mechanics to process information, called qubits. Solid-state materials that host qubits are one of the favorable forms to be integrated into existing technologies. Atomically thin materials are promising candidates as host materials for qubits due to their two-dimensional nature. It has advantages for the deterministic generation of defects with great integrability. However, realizing the useful quantum states in the solids has many technical difficulties to overcome. Both controllable growth/fabrication and proper characterization techniques for atomically thin materials are necessary. Atomically thin semiconductors can be controllably grown by Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD). It has the advantage of precisely controlling the amount of the injected precursors, which can be used to realize desired quantum properties. We utilize microspectroscopy to characterize the detailed properties of grown materials. Various optical techniques can be used to investigate atomically thin materials with micron-scale spatial resolution. In this presentation, I will introduce the efforts to experimentally realize useful quantum information materials with few-atom thickness focusing on the materials perspective.


•일시: 5월 18일 목요일 오후 4시 30분


•장소: 진리관 522호


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